Artist Statement
The urge to create by putting together random things seen and unseen in new and unique ways has always been a passion of mine. For years this random process was foremost in my skills as a psychologist and now, as an artist, my right brain seems to take over and crystallize the moment where the material world meets the interior world with a surprising outcome. I find painting a fascinating challenge with each new canvas I begin. I love this intuitive process of painting….starting out with a line, a color, a texture or fabric and getting fully involved in the moment as the work evolves. Often there is no preconceived idea of an end product. Faces, however, do seem to find a way onto many of my canvases. Perhaps this is reminiscent of my years as a psychologist spending hours face to face with people and their emotional lives. Faces fascinate me, showing one’s outer mask and at the same time revealing an inner life. These faces, in their abstractions and relationship to one another, often suggest a unique story for me as the artist and yet again for each observer….and so the creative process continues way beyond my own brush stroke. My abstract and collage work give the observer even more of an opportunity to personalize his own response and to carry on the creative process. I find my work is motivated by two essential elements, the creative alchemy of materials, ideas and imagery and the resulting interaction between what is ultimately observed and each observer. In the center of these creative moments lie the excitement of the journey and the beauty of making and experiencing art. |